Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I can't really express why I chose graphic design, I like to think it chose me. I just love it so much and I feel so blessed to be able to make a career out of something that I am so passionate about. I think I first fell in love with it when I joined the yearbook staff my freshmen year of high school. Shortly thereafter I became the Editor in Chief and resided in that position until I graduated. Anyways, since then I have managed to teach myself how to use Photoshop and Illustrator almost well enough to do it blindfolded. Sometimes I wish I could hug design. I know that may sound silly, but it just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. It's like when you have a huge crush on someone and then you find out that they feel the same way about you. Thats the kind of happiness and peace I feel when I am designing.



This was my idea.

Secret Penguin

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